Speech Analytics API

Speech Analytics APIs transcribe audio (streaming or batch) into text and extract NLU metrics like topics, named entities, and sentiment. This API  targets enterprise developers of contact center speech analytics SaaS solutions.

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Voicegain - Speech-to-Text
Under Your Control
Trusted by Companies building amazing products
Pay only for analyzing calls with valuable insights

Intelligently filter calls that need to be analyzed and only pay for analyzing calls that can deliver insights. Use our white label reach react web app and build your own Speech Analytics app in days.

High Accuracy


Transcription accuracy of 89% that can be improved with training

Pay for use


Per hour. Pay only for calls that deliver value

NLU Metrics


Topics, Sentiment, Named Entities, Keywords, Phrases, Intents, Emotion, Mood, etc.



English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Korean, Hindi and more

Flexible Speech Analytics
Flexible to meet your needs
  • White Label UI
    Extend our White Label UI to build your own Speech Analytics App
  • NLU Metrics
    Topics, Phrases, Keywords, Sentiment, Intents, Named Entities, and more
  • PII Redaction
    Mask PII Audio and Text in recordings
  • Diarize Mono Audio
    Submit mono or stereo audio
  • Check Team Performance
    View Team statistics
  • Automatic AHT Insights
    Analyze AHT and provide agent specific feedback
  • Automate QA Scoring
    Configure Scorecards and automatically score questions
  • 100% Compliance
    Check for compliance statements automatically
  • PCI DSS Compliance
    PCI DSS compliant infrastructure
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Audio Sources
Bot Frameworks
Meeting Platforms
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Voicegain - Speech-to-Text
Under Your Control